Sharing an article (by Steven Shields) from the Korea Times and a talk between Steven Shields, the president of RAS Korea, and Prof.  Yong-Duk Kim, the former president of RAS Korea.


The Korea Times: ‘Idu, the key to unlocking Korea’s early history (by Steven Shields)

Sogang University Professor Emeritus Kim Yong-duk shows off some of his books. / Courtesy of Royal Asiatic Society Korea

The key to unlocking the secrets of Korea’s ancient history

SPEAKERS: Steven Shields & Yong-Duk Kim

Part 1: What is Idu?

“official’s writing”
why it was necessary
Why it is not Katakana

Part 2: Historical context

When-examples in history record
Why it is important in historical research
How do we know?

Part 3: Key to Korea’s ancient history

What are the controversies
Baekje in context
The sword and how to interpret (introducing the scholarly works on subject)