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Dear friends,

We will be reading the story ‘Vertigo’ written by Kim Se-Hee this time.
The PDF file for the story:

WHEN_ Thursday, February 18, 2021. 7:30PM
WHERE_via online platform Zoom
READ_Vertigo (Kim Se-Hee, Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé)
READ_(Short Story and Critical Introduction)
READ_‘현기증’ – 김세희 (Found in: 가만한 나날)
LEADER_Jenny Byun and Brother Anthony of Taizé

The short story “Vertigo”  depicts the worries and wanderings of the young generation over dating, marriage, and housing. Won-hee, the protagonist, has lived with her lover Sang-ryul in a studio, but they have decided to move to a two-room unit because of the inconvenience caused by their different life rhythms. In the process, problems that have been suppressed so far arise. Such problems lead to an unexpected new awareness of the situation within Won-hee herself, and in the novel, the word ‘vertigo’ is used to designate all that.

Kim Sehee is the author of the novel Love at the Harbor and the short story collection Unremarkable Days. She debuted in 2015 when her story “Shallow Sleep” won World Literature’s New Writer’s Award. She received the Munhakdonge Young Writer’s Award in 2018 and the Shin Dong-yup Prize for Literature in 2019. -Korean Literature Now

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