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Shooting North Korea – stories from a western filmmaker in North Korea

SPEAKER: Nicholas Bonner
DATE: Tuesday. April 26, 2022. 7:30PM (Seoul)
VENUE: Online Zoom

Koryo Studio has been making a range of films in North Korea since 1993, from travel documentaries, feature documentaries to a feature film. Nicholas Bonner gives  ‘behind the scenes’ insight into some of the trials and tribulations of filming in North Korea along with a series of clips of his favourite scenes.

Nicholas Bonner is the director of Koryo Tours and Studio – a company based in Beijing that specializes in travel and cultural exchange projects with North Korea. In 1993  he co-founded Koryo Tours to promote travel to the country and a couple of years later Koryo Studio to facilitate cultural projects in and about North Korea. Bonner is the producer of several documentaries about North Korea and co-directed the country’s first ‘girl power’ film Comrade Kim goes Flying. His private collection of North Korean graphics and prints has been published in two books by Phaidon and was exhibited in the Korean pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 2014, which was awarded the Golden Lion. He is working on the construction of the first cinema in North Korea to show foreign films and an art museum in Tuscany to exhibit the company’s collection of North Korean socialist realism artworks.

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